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The Details

Saturday June 8 from 10am to 12noon

2 locations

Reservoir Church parking lot

170 Rindge Ave.

Pentecostal Tabernacle parking lot 

77 Columbia St.


$200 gift card for Assault Weapon

$100  gift card for Revolver, Handgun, Semi-Automatic, Shotgun, Rifle

$50    gift card for BB gun, Pellet gun, AirSoft Gun, Ammunition maximum $200

maximum $500 for any number of guns turned in

$5       Toscaninis's ice cream card for toy gun

Bring firearms unloaded, with safety engaged, in bag, box or case.

All guns will be destroyed by the State Police.

No questions asked. No identification necessary.

Have a gun but don’t want to transport it? Or not available on June 8?

Cambridge Police will pick it up.

If you have firearms in your home but would like them picked up by Cambridge Police

call 617-349-6009. You can receive a gift card for gun(s) turned in anytime during the month of June.

Residents planning to turn in firearms should attempt to notify the Cambridge Police in advance

by calling 617-349-6009.


Leftover grocery gift cards will be donated to Cambridge food pantries.


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